Any type of parasite that settles in the human body harms its health. They cause various pathologies and lead to a deterioration in the quality of life.
Suspecting the presence of helminths in the body, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests to determine the type of parasitic microbe and immediately begin treatment.
In most cases, you can get rid of parasites using folk remedies at home; for this it is necessary to know the types, signs and characteristics of the treatment of each pathogen.
After reading this article, you will enrich your knowledge about fighting invasions using non-traditional medicine methods in adults and children.
Folk remedies for parasites in humans
One of the advantages of using traditional recipes is the possibility of choosing a safe method from these to prevent infection. Medicinal anthelmintic drugs are highly toxic, so for preventive purposes it is better to avoid them.
The most popular natural remedies for helminths are seeds of medicinal plants and herbal teas. In most cases, natural plant components, like many drugs, help destroy mature helminths. To completely eliminate parasites, it is not enough to clean the intestines, a continuous course of anthelmintic therapy is also necessary.
Alternative therapeutic methods can be used To combat many types of parasitic worms, various methods can be used to control parasites in humans. Recipes for their preparation must take into account the individual characteristics of each organism.
Some herbaceous plants, such as medicines, have restrictions on their use. For this reason, before starting the fight, it is worth contacting an infectious disease specialist or a parasitologist. Any home-prepared drug should be used in parallel with official medicine, only after consulting a specialist.
On their own, they most often cope well with relatively harmless pinworms. But even in this case it would not be superfluous to visit a doctor. Self-treatment of parasites with natural healing medicines eliminates the correct diagnosis of helminthic pathology and hides the threat of developing intoxication in the body.
Killed parasites remaining after therapy in the gastrointestinal tract or other internal organs release decomposition products. As a result, the body is poisoned from the inside, which can lead to serious complications, including death. In this regard, treatment of helminthiasis should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, especially in children.
Cleansing the body from parasitic worms is carried out using recipes of traditional healers:
- Chop the garlic in the amount of five cloves and pour a glass of hot pasteurized milk. Use before going to bed for three consecutive days. The drug must be restarted seven days after the first. The taste of the drug is not pleasant, but it is effective against many parasites.
- Four tablespoons of finely chopped walnuts should be poured into a glass of lightly salted boiled water. Leave covered for half an hour. The prepared product must be consumed within twelve hours.
- A positive result is obtained when using decoctions of pimple and tree to destroy the worm infestation. But these medicinal herbs cause side effects, so you should consult your doctor.
- An enema is performed to cleanse the intestines using a garlic solution, which is prepared as follows. One unpeeled head of a medium-sized vegetable should be boiled in 250 ml of milk. Cool until warm and perform the procedure.
- Nettle is used in the treatment of helminth infections in the form of an aqueous infusion. The leaves of the plant are boiled for a quarter of an hour and left for thirty minutes. Drink twenty milliliters in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals.
Important.By parasitizing the body of living beings, helminths significantly impair health and can lead to irreversible consequences. In this regard, self-medication is not only unwise, but also very dangerous. At the first signs of deterioration of health associated with the presence of helminths or their suspicion, you should visit a specialist.
Fighting helminths with medicinal agents
Undoubtedly, drugs to eliminate parasites are very effective, but they have one flaw. The anthelmintic group of drugs is highly toxic, destroys the cellular structure of the liver and negatively affects the digestive system.
Therefore, the use of traditional medicine is the best option in the treatment of helminth infections. Natural preparations have excellent effectiveness in fighting parasites, and if all recommendations for use are followed, they are completely harmless to humans.
In the initial stages of helminth infestation it is sufficient to eat foods that have a harmful effect on the worms and cause their paralysis and natural elimination. In this case, do not forget about pumpkin seeds, onions, garlic, pomegranate, carrots, raw beets and black radishes, horseradish root, pomegranate, grapefruit and fresh coconut kernel.
Dosage forms of natural origin are characterized by their negative effects on helminths in the form of:
- Uzvarov.
- Chaev.
- Drinks.
- Fresh juices from cabbage, pineapple, carrot, beetroot, coconut.
Many traditional remedies are used for preventive purposes throughout a person's life, continuously or periodically. For cleansing the stomach and intestines, herbal teas based on strawberries and mint and a decoction of fresh and dried rosehip berries are useful. Cilantro works identically, even if you use this spice as a seasoning.
To treat the most serious stages of helminth infestations, drugs whose basic and auxiliary components are exclusively of natural origin are also used:
- Chanterelles. It is used in the form of an alcoholic tincture, ten milliliters per night for a month. Preparation method: Dried mushrooms in the amount of three tablespoons or two finely chopped fresh chanterelles are combined with alcohol or vodka (150 ml). Store in a dark, cold place for two weeks. The container must be made of glass and have a well-lapped lid. The container must be shaken every day.
- Pomegranate peel is an excellent anti-worm remedy, which can be prepared as follows. Take small thin pieces of bark and infuse them in boiling water, leaving them for thirty minutes. The drug is taken three or four times a day at regular intervals. Drink 5-7 ml.
- The nine-leaved inflorescences (tansy) are consumed in a spoonful in the form of an infusion of water three times a day, thirty minutes before meals, for three consecutive days. The preparation technology is quite simple: the herbaceous plant is immersed in boiling water, infused for thirty minutes and filtered. The infusion is ready for use.
Removal of parasites from the human body by folk remedies is carried out quite effectively using herbal medicines, suggested by herbalists.
- Troychatka is one of the most popular and frequently used means for killing parasites. Contains walnut peels, clove seeds and wormwood herbs. This remedy destroys almost all types of worms and can accelerate their exit from the body.
- Walnut tincture. To prepare this tincture you need to take fifteen pieces of ripe walnuts and half a liter of medical alcohol. Place the washed and chopped walnut peel in a glass container with alcohol, close the lid and leave it in a cool, dark place for thirty days. The contents of the container must be shaken from time to time. Take according to the following scheme: 1 day – one drop of tincture per 100 ml of water. Every subsequent day increase by drops and thus bring it to five. Day 6 – pour two or two and a half teaspoons depending on your weight (2 tablespoons – 70 kg, 2. 5 tablespoons – over 70 kg) into a glass of water and drink. Over the next 5 days the tincture is taken twice, in the dosage indicated above, but less than 50 ml of water is needed. On the sixth day the dosage remains the same and the frequency of administration is reduced to once. We will be treated this way for another month.
- At the same time we treat with wormwood seeds and cloves reduced to a powdery state. The course begins by taking absinthe a pinch at a time and gradually increases to the amount of half a tablespoon. Taken on an empty stomach once. Diluted with water. The duration of continuous therapy is two weeks. From the fifteenth to the twentieth day, use 0. 5 tablespoons. spoons of powder every day, and from the twenty-first day - once every seven days.
- Clove seed powder is taken three times at eight-hour intervals, before meals, for ten consecutive days. From the eleventh day - once every seven days. The dosage is as follows:
- 1 day – 0, 2 teaspoons.
- Day 2 – 0. 25 teaspoons.
- From 3 to 10 days – 0. 33 teaspoons.
- From 11 days – 1 teaspoon.
- A mixture of garlic and honey. Prepare several garlic bulbs, from which you need to squeeze one hundred milliliters of juice. Mix the juice with 300 ml of liquid honey. Place in a bain-marie for 15 minutes. Take a dessert spoonful four times during the day. Store in the refrigerator in a closed container.
- Garlic juice. It is used freshly squeezed immediately before use according to the following scheme:
- Garlic with sour milk for worms. A finely chopped head of garlic is placed in a glass of sour milk, preferably homemade. Add half a teaspoon of crushed black pepper to this mixture. Mix everything well and drink quickly. This mixture is contraindicated for children.
- Garlic plus juniper. Juniper is a good natural anthelmintic drug used in the fight against parasites. You need to take one hundred grams of tree cones, chop them, add a couple of liters of white grape wine. Hide from the sun in a cool place for three weeks.
- Garlic inhalations. One of the available methods for treating helminth infections is inhalation. They are able to destroy all parasitic helminths located in the organs of the respiratory system. To carry out inhalation, you need to have a teapot, a head of garlic and a gauze napkin on hand.
- Healing enemas. Enema solutions are used to cleanse the intestines of worms. The medicine is prepared from two hundred milliliters of milk with the addition of ten cloves of garlic. The mixture is put on fire and cooked until the vegetable becomes soft. Cold. Use one hundred milliliters for each procedure. A seven-day course of treatment is carried out.

Recipes for folk remedies against parasites with garlic
Along with conservative therapy prescribed by an infectious disease specialist, many patients take folk remedies. These include a vegetable known to everyone since ancient times with a specific smell and burning taste - garlic.
Today, in many books and Internet sites, you can familiarize yourself with numerous recipes of alternative medicine, including garlic, which helps with many ailments, including cleansing the body of helminths. It is recommended to use them after speaking with your doctor.
For five consecutive days take it in the form of ten drops in half a glass of water.
The next five days: twenty drops.
Every five days the number of drops increases by ten units and so on for a month.
After 21 days, pour the tincture into the prepared garlic pulp, of which a couple of medium heads were taken. This medicine must be infused for ten days. Filter and take 50 ml morning and evening.

Peel the garlic and pass it through a meat grinder or press. Quickly wrap the prepared pulp in a napkin, put it in the teapot and close it tightly. Using the spout of the teapot through your mouth, covering your nose with your hand, take a deep breath. Release your nose and exhale slowly. This procedure can be performed through the nose.
The first inhalation lasts two minutes, the time of subsequent inhalations gradually increases up to 15 minutes with each session. The frequency of the procedure is four times a day. Each subsequent procedure is carried out with a freshly prepared garlic component and a clean napkin.
They also make a garlic water infusion for the enema. The solution is prepared as follows: three cloves of the medicinal plant are infused in two hundred milliliters of boiling water for two hours in a closed container. Filter and use the solution as directed. The procedure is performed for seven consecutive days before going to bed at night.
To perform an enema, pour 5 cloves of garlic into 200 ml of water and place them on the stove to boil. Then separately prepare ten grams of finely chopped wormwood in three hundred milliliters of boiled water. Infuse, pour into a container and cleanse the intestines.
Among modern non-traditional methods there are effective folk remedies against parasites in humans, recipes with garlic among which occupy one of the main places. There are many anthelmintic drugs based on it.
Important.The presence of parasitic microorganisms in the human body is one of the most pressing problems on the entire planet. Treatment of helminthiasis is common and possible everywhere. In the modern world, there are various methods of destroying various types of worms.
But you should always adhere to the basic rule of using natural remedies: this is a mandatory consultation with a specialist before starting treatment. By self-medicating, you can significantly harm your overall health.